At the moment I have a big responsive audience so what I do every morning is to select a random post on my blog, create a new one or simply share one of my youtube videos. That takes less than 5 minutes, I post on my profile, fan page and group.
Then after I invite people who have liked related pages using software. The software basically sends inbox messages to facebook users inviting them to join my page. I don't invite them to my website or offers directly, they'll find all that on the page. This helps me get fans on a daily bases, 365 days a year.
Once in a while, I'll use the software to send friend requests and everyone who accepts my friend request gets added to a facebook group. Some people are in my page, profile and group as well (these are real fans). I use a page, group and profile so that I can be able to reach as many people as possible.
All this is done in less than 5 minutes a day, then I just keep checking notifications and respond to any questions. So even if I don't post anything for 3 days on facebook I'll still get traffic from FB because of these daily invites.
The secret to successful social media marketing is to add new people on a daily bases. New members are the most active people and they help increase engagement. This works in any social network, twitter, google+, tumblr etc.
For example, who's more active in this forum? Old members who joined when it started or the new members?
So I spend 5 minutes a day on facebook