Search results

  1. Muzzamil

    How did you get started in internet marketing?

    That's very interesting that you were able to quit your job by working online. For me, I started Internet Marketing because I wanted to quit my day job and work full time from just my laptop because I wanted to travel and still be able to make money. It would be fun to hear from more people how...
  2. Muzzamil

    Which Country would you like to visit?

    I would love to visit China and Japan. Chins because I want to see its industrialization and rapid growth, and how exactly they do business. And I would like to visit Japan because of it's unique culture and traditions. Also I just want to see its beauty.
  3. Muzzamil

    How often to send out marketing emails?

    You will have to test your email list's response rate. People like Anthony Morrison email their list everyday and they are making a lot of money. And there are some people that send an email every two weeks and they are also making a lot of money. So it really depends on your list and it' response.
  4. Muzzamil

    What are the best affiliate products to sell these days?

    It was his own product since he does coaching himself.
  5. Muzzamil

    What are the best affiliate products to sell these days?

    He posts videos on youtube and then drive traffic to his website from youtube. This is because on youtube, there are more people searching for dating advice.
  6. Muzzamil

    How can we use video marketing to our needs?

    Youtube and Facebook videos are being most watched now days. Self promotion is really effective. According to top marketers such as Tai Lopez and Gary Vaynerchuck, they said that who ever can tell the best story will on social media, and best stories are told through videos. Also when they say...
  7. Muzzamil

    what are best ways to promote a website?

    SEO can single handedly help you promote your website because people will be able to find your website through searching on a search engine. You can also do social media marketing in which you will create a Fan page about your website and post valuable content and have people interact on it...
  8. Muzzamil

    What are the best affiliate products to sell these days?

    The person that I came across recently was selling a dating product where he call coach people and gives them word to word script that they could say to women. And for a high ticket product, he would take his clients out with him and show them how to talk to women. He does this by purposefully...
  9. Muzzamil

    What are the best affiliate products to sell these days?

    Yes dating products have gone down because there are hundreds of videos on youtube teaching people how to pick up women but I have come across some people that have youtube channels on dating but they still sell paid products where they go in depth teaching people about dating. So the dating...
  10. Muzzamil

    Good or Bad shopping experiences with Amazon?

    I have been buying from Amazon for quite awhile and I never had any problem. I buy all of my books from amazon and all them come in new condition and they get shipped pretty quick. But sometime it can take a quite awhile if your order is pretty big. I ordered about 8 books together and it took...
  11. Muzzamil

    Have you used a WordPress maintenance service?

    I have never used these services and don't intend to try them because I don't know what kind of maintenance they would do and if it is going to be valuable and pleasing to my visitors. Unless the price gets really low, I am not going to give them a try. I recently heard about these services...
  12. Muzzamil

    What are the best affiliate products to sell these days?

    The three biggest industries where people are making the most amount of money are Health, business opportunities(make money online opportunities), and Dating. If you were to choose and promote a product that belongs to one of these categories, you will make decent amount of money unless you are...
  13. Muzzamil

    PC or MAC for online work?

    When it comes to online work, it doesn't really matter which one you use because the internet will stay the same and the website you browse/use will be the same.
  14. Muzzamil

    How much RAM is needed for a computer?

    4 GB of RAM is good if you are going to be doing regular stuff such as browsing the web, streaming/making videos, and running software that require less hard drive. You would only need RAM of 8 GB and above if you are a heavy gamer and/or run multiple virtual machines.
  15. Muzzamil

    Hello Guys

    Hey Odhran, Welcome here. It's good to have you and I would do my best to answer your future questions. If you ever need any help, you can just post in this forum without a hesitating and there will be many people to help you. Good Luck!
  16. Muzzamil

    Hi there everyone

    Welcome Ben, it's good to have you here. I also joined couple of weeks and I absolutely love helping people here and learning from other people. Hope you go through the same pleasant experience. If you ever need any help, you can just post in this forum and there will...
  17. Muzzamil

    How many Twitter accounts can you have?

    As far I have heard, you can as many twitter accounts you want as long as you use a valid unique email address with each one.
  18. Muzzamil

    Chrome or FireFox?

    Chrome never got slow for me and I have been using it for more than 5 years. And I am not sure what could have caused your Chrome to slow down. It could be your computer or Internet problem since both Chrome and Firefox got slower for you, but I am still not sure what's the actual cause of your...
  19. Muzzamil

    Is it ok to get an email list given to you?

    It would be better if he gave you a shoutout because it will introduce the list to you. If he just gave you the list straight up, people would be confused since they don't know you and you would have a very low response rate. Although if you have been doing Email Marketing for awhile then you...
  20. Muzzamil

    Affiliate Marketing or Your Own Products?

    My main source of income is definitely Affiliate Marketing because I understand Marketing a lot better, and If I was to make my own product it would take very long and I would have to test it out, and then make tweaks to it later on. So it's a long and tedious process. But once you have your own...