blog post

  1. Kania

    What is the best blog post length in words?

    I have written several blog posts for my blog and they are between 500 and 700 words for most of them. I did a search in Google to find the best blog post length but there are so many different answers that it is confusing me. What would some of you say is the best blog post length for the...
  2. Catherine1

    Are blog post titles important?

    I was wondering if blog posts titles are important for SEO and getting traffic to them? I read some things that said they were and some that said they didn't matter and that the content is what Google looks at. Anyone have any input or advice?
  3. Dean

    What do you think about content curating?

    Lately I have found that a lot of the articles on my sites are being curated and put on the website of someone else without any kind of permission from me. It's usually just a part of the article and not the whole thing and then they put a link back to my sites to "Read More". I have thought...