Hello friends,
After 1 month with efforts from me, Moderators and Super Mods here, our forum keywords were improved on Google.com ( just mentione google.com, not google in other countries, this need to wait a little time for google reorder the results
I'm glad to announce our InternetMarketingStar keywords ( Advertising Forum, Internet Marketing forum ) are in top 10 Google.com
With supports of Moderators and Super Moderators here, I hope this forum will be the #1 internet marketing forum soon, even can defeat Webmaster Sun and Warrior Forum out there
It's great when our forum is getting clicks from search engines for these keywords and other keywords.

Some screenshots

With internet marketing forum keyword

Let me know the results on your browsers, I know it can have the differences.
After 1 month with efforts from me, Moderators and Super Mods here, our forum keywords were improved on Google.com ( just mentione google.com, not google in other countries, this need to wait a little time for google reorder the results
I'm glad to announce our InternetMarketingStar keywords ( Advertising Forum, Internet Marketing forum ) are in top 10 Google.com
With supports of Moderators and Super Moderators here, I hope this forum will be the #1 internet marketing forum soon, even can defeat Webmaster Sun and Warrior Forum out there
It's great when our forum is getting clicks from search engines for these keywords and other keywords.

Some screenshots

With internet marketing forum keyword

Let me know the results on your browsers, I know it can have the differences.