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  1. augusta

    Besides PayPal, what payment methods do you like?

    I think payoneer is the next payment processor I like.It doesn't exclude some countries like PayPal.The opening and withdrawal methods are quite easy and no delay in processing payment especially in my home country.
  2. augusta

    How much time are you spending on Facebook daily?

    I spent approximately 2 hours daily,Sharing links to Facebook,replying messages and promoting my blogs.
  3. augusta

    High commission vs low commission

    Personally I put the two banners and hope to make a're not the buyer and definitely not a soothsayer to know what your visitors want.So you just place the ad banners strategically and hope that a sale comes through them whether high or low price.
  4. augusta

    Looking to Increase signups for my website

    you need to do of promoting your blog to have more signups.If possible you could go the paid way of paying for ad on the different social media platforms which would aid wider coverage.
  5. augusta

    Should we change affiliate ads sometime?

    Change is dynamic and should be applied when needed.I try to change my ad banners every now and then to see which would be more productive.Varieties is the spice of life,So when once an ad doesn't served it purpose it should be changed immediately.
  6. augusta

    Which affiliate is the best for International users

    Thanks @ Gazoo,will try this out.I really want to be active with affiliate marketing.But this issue of PayPal limiting our account isn't funny.All the same looking out to see how to go about this.
  7. augusta

    How much storage do I need?

    From experience I think you'll not be having problems with storage space especially if you're not using the free WordPress domain.if it a paid domain you could have large as 3gb which might be more than enough for you.
  8. augusta

    How many social media websites to start with?

    I think you can give a go at the different social media be it Facebook,Twitter, you-tube even instagram. There's no limit to the social networking you can do to gain followers.
  9. augusta

    How many emails for a mailing list

    Personally,I think it doesn't have to be the numbers of emails send out.I think it mostly about your contents especially your titles are they catchy enough to make one want to click to see the contents.Another thing,are the emails valid and are you sure it doesn't get to their spam
  10. augusta

    Where can I get an ebook written?

    They're freelancers who can give you a perfect job. you can check Naria,Fiverr,up work, just5k and other freelancing sites.
  11. augusta

    Hello to Everyone...!

    Welcome Jot,good to have you here in Internet marketing star. Hope you'll have a good stay here.
  12. augusta

    How often should I Tweet?

    you can tweet as many times as possible.I don't think twitter placed any restrictions on the number of times one can can tweet and retweet as many times as possible.
  13. augusta

    Installing payment processors on my blogs

    Please I want a simple procedures for installing payments means on my Blog.I want to market some services on my blog,So that buyers can make payments easily.Experts is this what I can do or I need professionals in the field.
  14. augusta

    How much time have you spent on your websites?

    I have about 5 blogs and I try to update them daily,So it like working full time.I spend more than 12 hours daily working on those sites.I enjoy doing this.
  15. augusta

    What do you do in your spare time?

    I don't joke with my time,So even the spare time is for something serious. Could be reading or researching on new invention. I think I enjoy my spare time better this way.
  16. augusta

    Is guest blogging good or bad for SEO?

    Guest blogging is good especially for a topic that needs expert input,so instead of writing out of context or mis- informing the public or your readers It better someone else write that as a visitor or a guest.
  17. augusta

    Blog + Affiliate Marketing

    you can still join affiliate marketing despite your blog niches.But it would have been better to narrow it down to either two to three niches per blog that way you could get an affiliate products or services that is in consonance with your blog. So you can go ahead and join either Amazon,Kongo...
  18. augusta

    How to promote an affiliate program?

    Did some research on this topic,for best method and I think the following would help. Have a blog or website for advertising write a review about a product and attach the link. promote it on all your social media account. Advertised the products through sending emails. I think with the...
  19. augusta

    Which affiliate is the best for International users

    I know there are a lot of affiliate sites to join.But most doesn't accept some counties like clickshare.Please which affiliate site can a Nigerian work with to maximize profit.
  20. augusta

    Should PayPal be the only payment system?

    This is one of the problem affecting my involvement in most online tasks. The payment processor is normally PayPal and it sad because PayPal doesn't accepts all countries. I think a more flexible payment source which be used by all freelancing site.This will go along way to encourage others to...