Are VPS hosting plans good?


New Member
I used to use shared hosting under $10/ month, thinking to switch to a VPS but with $10 a month, I can have a good VPS?
There is a huge difference between a Shared Hosting account and a VPS especially when it comes to pricing. Consider a Shared Hosting account is placed within a super powerful server with a huge amount of resources backing it.. Now a VPS, for $10 you will get a 512MB-1GB RAM VPS; 40-80% of your resources will be used to just power the operating system and software alone. I would recommend not paying any less than $49 for a VPS if moving from Shared Hosting; otherwise you may end up with a much slower service than you had to begin with if you do not have experience in the management and optimization of the server.

RDO Servers

Active Member
Like @ElixantTechnology said, you need to consider the resources you will have.

VPS is better then shared hosting (for some people), but that does not mean that all VPS's are better then all shared hosting account!

The first question is, why are you considering a switch to VPS?
Do you need more permissions?
Are you using more resources then shared hosting allows?
or just because a VPS is supposed to be a step above shared hosting?
or what?

RDO Servers

Active Member
I heard that it's more stronger than a shared hosting

Yes, a VPS can be more powerful then a shared hosting account, but not always. For your $10/mo budget, you are better off sticking with a high quality shared hosting account. Look for a quality provider that offer's SSD drives and does not over sell there servers.

how much resource has a VPS allowed me to use?

A $10/mo VPS will give you more control then a shared hosting account, but it will not be more powerful then a quality shared hosting account. For this you will get about 1GB or ram, 1 CPU core, and a decent amount of space/bandwidth. Still not as powerful as a good shared account. These are for the people that have a rather small site, but need the extra control that you get with a VPS.

RDO Servers

Active Member
The OP asked how a $10/mo VPS would compare to shared hosting. He did not ask for VPS offers.
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Yeh that offer was for compare shared hosting and vps if he don't have live environment how he can compare? it was sponsored vps By IM Star for testing didnt ask him to pay or anything.
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Active Member
Hassan just like RDO stated OP was asking about comparison. There is a specific forum "looking to hire" where the OP can request for services if that's what they are looking for.

Also, for such post as the one in this threat we can assist the OP by referring them to the offers section for them to research and contact who they want. There are a few good hosts to contact and choose in this forum.

Back on topic as @RDO Servers @ElixantTechnology mentioned to the OP, very cheap VPS can give less performance than shared hosting.

The benefits of the VPS is really having full control on the OS, software, disk space, b/w and specific settings that you might want that shared hosting might not offer.

Can they be more powerful? Definitely but you will need to pay more than what you usually pay for shared hosting, specially if you need a full managed solution. If your shared hosting is currently handling your site without any issues I wouldn't worry to much about it, however if your web site is rapidly growing it is very good for you to do the research your are doing now to be able to act if you outgrow it.

RDO Servers

Active Member
Unmanaged = You get the VPS and basic support for network/hardware issues.

Managed = Your host will provide the initial setup, configuration, and support software/configuration issues. Basically it is a VPS with a sysAdmin support plan.

That is the downfall of a VPS. If you get unmanaged, you get remote access to a Linux server. Control panel install, web/database/mail server setup etc has to be done yourself.
Consider this, a VPS is still a shared server. Most VPS nodes operate on similar hardware to that of your Shared Hosting account, however depending on the virtualization technology utilized they may be housing more websites. Thus making things kind of tricky when deciding to get a VPS;

I look at hosting services like this.

Dedicated Server = You own the ENTIRE apartment building.
Semi-Dedicated Server = You own part of the Apartment Building
VPS Hosting = You have your own room in an Apartment that is in the building.
Shared Hosting = You share a bedroom with a group of people within the Apartment Building.

If you have no experience in managing a Linux based system, or knowledge on how to complete day-to-day tasks, it is recommended that you utilize a Managed VPS. Most *reliable* VPS companies will start around $59 for a Managed solution


New Member
Now a VPS, for $10 you will get a 512MB-1GB RAM VPS; 40-80% of your resources will be used to just power the operating system and software alone.
This is not true. Lets take DigitalOcean as an example, they provide machines for $5 a month with 512mb RAM and 1 cpu. When you first access them, with only the OS installed, about 5-10% of the resources are used. If managed right a single instance (with a remote mysql!) can run a WordPress on Nginx easily. I even managed to run a small memcached instance alongside nginx on 512mb RAM. This machine managed about 2000 visitors a day without blinking an eye. It all depends on how you manage your machine and its resources.

The one thing to keep in mind when using vps instead of shared hosting. Is that you have to manage your own server, this can be tricky and has a steep learning curve when getting more advanced. Security is another factor that comes into play. A self managed VPS is in many cases very insecure. When you think about moving to a VPS, definitely go for the managed route, or work with someone you know with the right experience. It will pay off on the long run.


New Member
Something which does not seem to have been mentioned so far is whether the VPS plan you are looking at provides a control panel. $10/month leads me to believe not.
If the VPS does not have a control panel, do you know enough system administration to get your hosting running without one?


Well-Known Member
If you want a good VPS plan for $10 then that might be hard to find, at least if you want any kind of decent resources. If you want something decent then you are probably looking at about triple that amount per month.

If you are going to manage the VPS yourself then that will save a bit of money but it's still going to be hard to get anything good for that price range that has any decent amount of resources, especially RAM.

Cheers, Dean.


Well-Known Member
There are VPS hosting plans that are good and there are bad VPS hosting plans, it all depends on the specs of your VPS and the quality of the host that you use.

Not all VPS hosting plans are that good and many are even not as good as a good shared hosting plan at a quality hosting provider.

$10 per month isn't going to get great specs for a VPS so if that's all you have to spend then it would be better to get a good shared hosting plan from a good provider and that should run you $5 per month or less.

david smith

VPS hosting plan will allow one to have all the features of a dedicated server but at a price that is more economical in comparison to a dedicated server. Signing up for a VPS in the price of a shared server may not be very heavy on the pocket but the specification of the VPS may be very basic and will not solve the actual purpose of upgrading from shared hosting plan to a VPS.